día de gracias

26 11 2010
For me, one of the most fulfilling aspects of experiences like is that I become keenly aware of all the gifts in my life. So many things that I take for granted everyday of my life when I am back home.  Things like safety, love, family, food, a home…. pretty much the essentials if you ask me.  And then I come to Medellin Colombia and meet these kids who lack so many of these ¨basic¨things and yet somehow they persevere with such charm and personality….its amazing. It really will change your perspective on things.

And so as it is Thanksgiving Day, what better day than today for a quick shout-out for 1o totally random things I am thankful for.

1. Doritos (preferably nacho cheese)

2. Spanish/English Dictionaries and Google Translate 

3. Art/Music

4. Gloria (roommate/colombian mother/spanish teacher)

5. Sunshine

6. The Razorcorns

7. My brothers

8. Electricity and a consistent internet connection

9. The courage to be

10. All my amazing friend and family around the world (and a few pictures of my newest friends for your viewing pleasure)

Preschoolers.... awaiting their snack

Los Internos

The Boys

Mary Sol.... my newest patient

They are fantastic, right?! Thank you all so much for all the different ways each of you are supporting me.  I really do feel blessed.  And as good ole Luke would say ¨to whom much is given, much is expected.¨ So onward I go.

There you have it.  Happy turkey day. And please…. eat seconds for me (ps: i especially like stuffing and pumpkin pie) !




4 responses

26 11 2010

Sheryl just read all your blogs to me and I love hearing about what you are doing. By the way, you are a really good writer. We missed you today, but we ate enough for you! Pumpkin pie is gone. I am very proud of you and pray for you every day. I love you mucho!! That is all the spanish I know.
Grandma Nonie

30 11 2010

Brilliant! Thanks for the Thankful list! Its funny that Doritos made the top of the list! Keep on keepin on! You are doing it girl! Living life. Impacting others. Creating memories. Kudos and Happy Tday back! Namaste’

3 12 2010

Ha! Yeah, I know. They were the Pièce de résistance of my makeshift/throwback thanksgiving meal that I enjoyed right before writing that blog. aka: a turkey and cheese sandwich & nacho cheese doritos.

2 12 2010

Odd but I can’t decide who smiles more in your pictures, you or the kids?
Seems the love is mutual. Keep spreading it around.

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